The GEC-led task team on Anticipatory Action is organizing a session at the HNPW on Coordinated approaches to Anticipatory Action in Education

on Coordinated approaches to Anticipatory Action in Education


Anticipatory Action (AA) allows the humanitarian system to address humanitarian crises proactively by acting ahead of a predicted shock to prevent or reduce humanitarian impacts. Anticipatory Action in the education sector can help reduce the impacts of predictable crises on children’s education and wellbeing.

 As part of the GEC's commitment to Preparedness and Anticipatory Action in EiE Coordination, we will be hosting a session at the upcoming Humanitarian Networks and Partnerships Week titled Strengthening Coordinated Approaches to AA in the Education Sector. At this session, we will launch the GEC’s Guidance on Coordinated Anticipatory Action in Education and explore the opportunities to advance coordinated approaches to AA in the education sector through highlighting country education clusters’ experiences in coordinating AA and hearing from OCHA and donors on how we can work collectively to strengthen coordination for AA.

 Please save the date, May 6th, 4-5:30pm CET. 

This will be a hybrid session, you can find the Teams link here
