How do social norms around gender influence the way boys are affected by sexual violence? What is being done to ensure that boys affected by sexual violence grow up in a permanent, safe and caring family or, when necessary, in quality alternative care?

Sexual violence affects people of all genders and it is vital that work is done to support everyone well. This webinar examines the specific considerations that affect boys - an area that often lacks evidence - and shares a range of perspectives on the influence of social and gender norms, as well as the work being done to ensure that boys are affected through sexual violence are safe and protected.

The webinar explores the findings of research carried out by Family for Every Child member organizations with children and young people, caregivers and professionals in Cambodia, India, Nepal and the Philippines; new research findings emerging from Guyana, South Africa and Zimbabwe; as well as the advocacy work carried out by a family organization in Paraguay.

The webinar marked the launch of 'Blue Umbrella Day' (, a global awareness day held on April 16, which aims to highlight the need to better care for boys and protect them from violence. Find out more here

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