We are very pleased to announce that Family for Every Child has just launched its 'Childhood on the Move' exhibition, which you can find in our exciting virtual gallery space. 

This exhibition draws on various projects carried out by members of Family in which the Photovoice method enabled children and young people affected by migration to discuss their experiences, and give recommendations for improving their care and that of other children on the move. Through the photographs and captions on display, children and young people- some of whom have travelled significant distances, such as across Central America to the USA, or from the Middle East through to Europe- describe the challenges they face as well as the strengths they acquire at different stages of their journeys. They call on policy makers to provide better protection during movement, improved support in host communities, and for all efforts to be made to ensure that families are not separated. 

We are grateful to all of the young people who shared the photographs, insights and experiences that are on display here. 

Some tips on exploring the gallery (for both desktops and mobile phones): 

- You can move around and explore the space freely by clicking around on the floor of the gallery rooms. To see pictures and other content fully, click directly on them and they will come into view

- You can also click through all of the gallery content by using the arrows on the bottom right hand side of the gallery

- Use the share button on the bottom right of the gallery to share the exhibition amongst your networks! 


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